Technological development changes the online and offline commerce

With the end of the year, ASM Sales Force Agency Expert on Innovation, Piotr Witkowski was invited by Polish Press Agency to comment the crucial events in the world of commerce in 2018.

In the interview, our expert highlighted the fact, that the growing impact of technology on online and offline commerce we had witnessed in the last moths, in the upcoming year will be even more prominent. “Click and Collect” service, Go shops as well as the use of AI and robotisation are only some of the examples of technological development influencing the commerce mentioned by Piotr Witkowski.

We strongly recommend reading the complete article based on the interview given to PPA at

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Dedykowany zespół ekspertów przystępuje do oceny projektu pod kątem wszystkich potrzeb i analizuje możliwe ścieżki prowadzenia projektu z możliwie jak największym, możliwym wykorzystaniem narzędzi, jakie dostarcza nam aplikacja DataSense.